Sunday 12 February 2012

Lack of Self-Assurance - An Obstacle to Simplicity?

In my last post I wrote about how much I was enjoying Richard J. Foster's book, Freedom of Simplicity .Now that I have finished the book I am revisiting some of the ideas he presented and mulling them over.

One of the ideas that I caught my attention was that of self-assurance or as Mr. Foster writes "being comfortable in our own skin" and how a lack of self-assurance is a foundational hindrance to living simply. In my own way I touched on this subject in my post Thinking My Way to Simple Living.

When I accept myself as I am, when I am comfortable in solitude and stillness, when I recognize that my natural unadorned self is sufficient, when I have made peace with my past and have faith and trust about tomorrow, then I can come to the place where simplicity is my most natural response.

If however, I feel shame about who I am, my thoughts, my habits, my body, my past, if I feel that I need to compensate for what I am lacking, then true simplicity will be truly elusive. For when I struggle with these issues my natural response may be to hide, adorn, over-consume, pretend, seek prestige, create illusions or hoard.

All of the time, money and energy I spend on maintaining an "acceptable" self keeps me enslaved to the life I have created to protect and project my image both inward and outward; how exhausting, how unsatisfying and how unnecessary.

When I understand that my flaws, imperfections and material possessions do not define me, or even really limit me (God loves to use the weak and insignificant) then I am free from having to hide behind a false self. And that freedom can result in a life of genuine simplicity. If I don't need to impress you with what I drive or what I wear, then I have the freedom to use my time, energy and money to be a conduit for something positive, for sharing my talents, for helping others, for creating a life that is simply amazing and amazing in its simplicity; a life that leaves me feeling comfortable in my own skin.

Thank you for visiting My Turquoise Kettle Life today,

Wishing you an amazing day,


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