Tuesday 7 June 2011

Thinking My Way To Simple Living

Once June arrives I begin to think about how to live even more simply.  Over the last dozen or so years I have managed to let go of some ideas and a lot of stuff that once complicated my life.  I would have to say that letting go of "ideas" has been much more effective than eliminating the "stuff".
This is because our ideas or thoughts are ultimately what drive us to do what we do, buy what we buy, spend what we spend.  If I don't change the way I think, what I value, what motivates me, my actions will not change either.  Sure I can give away half my wardrobe, but if I still believe that I need certain clothing/shoes/accessories to be beautiful, soon my closet will be bulging again.
Here is a quick list of the ideas that I changed or focused on, that allowed my life to feel less cluttered.

  • My health is a priority.  Every day I exercise, make mostly healthy food choices, quiet my mind, practice gratitude.
  • I choose not to overschedule my time.  Being busy doesn't mean I am more important, it just makes me more anxious.
  • Who I am is not measured by my annual salary or by my mode of transportation.
  • Avoid negative (fear based) media and chronically negative people.
  • Am I using my talents?  Am I being kind?  Am I really listening to people
  • What am I spending my money on?  Does it line up with my priorities?
  • Just because the rest of the group/family/office/friends  is/are participating, if it's not an activity I enjoy or I'd rather spend the time/money doing something else....I just say "No thanks."

A WARNING:  At first people wont' always be receptive or supportive when you change your priorties or your habits.  They may try to guilt you into doing what they want you to do.  I have found that even discussing "simple living" makes some people uncomfortable or defensive.   It is contrary to the way our society works and what is expected of us.  That being said....don't allow it to deter you.  If you can begin to accept that this really is your life, and that you are not here only to meet the needs/wants of others, then you can make one small change that will lead to the next...and who knows where that will take you.

And what of my summer inspired simplification?  I have been using my new clothesline rather than my dryer.  I like the old fashion-ness of standing in my garden early in the day, pegging the sheets to the line, the squeaky sound my line makes and watching the sun and the wind dancing with my laundry.  I have also given myself permission to have a less manicured garden, I don't need to tackle all the gardens in one day, I can do a little today and a little....next week (maybe if I feel like it). 

Thank you for taking the time to visit My Turquoise Kettle Life.

Have a simply wonderful day,


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