Saturday 28 July 2012

Sugar.... ending the love affair.

I've hesitated all week about addressing this topic....shhhh... I haven't had any refined sugar or processed carbohydrates for the past 6 days.

raw sugar cubes

Several years ago my dad loaned me a book called "The Sugar Blues" authored by William Dufty. Frankly, I was shocked by the claims of the damage that sugar causes us. After a few weeks however, I comfortably let those nasty concepts slip right off of my radar screen. A few months ago a Youtube video of Dr. Lustig's lecture,  "Sugar, The Bitter Truth" , once more had me riveted by the idea of how much I might be able to improve my health and wellbeing by reducing/eliminating harmful sugars. (This lecture is 90 minutes long but I listened to it twice, the second time asking my husband to listen as well.) These reports are no longer shocking, at least they ought not to be, everyone seems to be aware of the dangers of high fructose corn syrup and other refined sugars on our health.

Why then did I hesitate? What exactly was I waiting for to motivate me to make this change, a health crisis? Hmmm. I'm not always the sharpest knife in the drawer but it finally dawned on me (ok ,by "finally" I mean after sampling way too many cookies and squares baked for the Women's Summer Studio during the past two months and a big dinner at Baton Rouge Restaurant followed by birthday cake last weekend) that I really want to reduce or eliminate harmful sugar from my diet.

No, I mean it! I really want to give up the sugar habit.

I read about other people's experience of eliminating sugar from their diet: the headaches, cravings, crankiness and fatigue. But I also read about how much better people felt after living sugar free.

I dove in without too much of a plan. The first casualty was my love affair with  Mr. Mini-Wheats. I guess you could say that the writing was on the box, once I realized that he wasn't good for me I was able to leave him on the shelf.   I read and re-read labels and allowed myself to fill up on fruit, oatmeal with unsweetened soy milk and lots of veggies, lentils and rice.

I wouldn't have thought myself capable of having lunch without a slice of bread (and I will look for an alternative to the bread I was using) but I haven't had or even craved bread since I began. Weird....that is all I can say... it’s weird. I don't crave the sugars; I haven't had a headache, felt weak, or crabby.

Today I'll visit the health food store and check out some alternative grains and I've made a longer than usual list of fruit and vegetable to stock up on. I really don't know if the cravings will suddenly begin, if my body and brain will read me the riot act and revolt. Who knows?  For now I'll carry on and I will keep you posted.

Thanks for stopping by My Turquoise Kettle Life today,

Wishing you a (naturally) sweet day,


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