Sunday 19 June 2011

Celebrate Someone You Love - Simply

Last Thursday was my dad's birthday.  Words cannot describe the love, admiration and respect that I have for this man.  He is understanding, encouraging, a gentle listener, my lifelong cheerleader.  My dad doesn't like anyone to make a "fuss" over him, he doesn't want gifts, he'd never  mention that it was his birthday if you didn't know (or if you forgot, as I did when I was sixteen!). 

To celebrate him, I was planning a small family supper and wanted it to be simple (of course) but also special.  It was a beautiful summer day here Thursday so I set up a long table on my front verandah.  This table is just an old slab door that we set on a pair of wooden (Ikea) legs, it sits eight very comfortably and ten very cozily.  A couple of off-white tablecloths that fall to the floor, a handful of daisies plucked from my garden and placed in a vinaigrette bottle. This setting, against the backdrop of garden shrubs and flowers, was simple yet elegant.

The menu was equally easy; barbequed burgers, salad and delicious lentil brown rice burgers (recipe below) for those of us who prefer the vegetarian option, and of course a birthday cake.  When you take the focus off of elaborate and often expensive meal preparations you can relax with your guests and enjoy the conversation, the laughter, stories and memories. That evening we sang "Happy Birthday" and sat around the table chatting until the sun dipped below the trees.  My husband commented a few times on what a lovely evening it had been. 

What about the special people in your life? When it is all said and done, what remains?  Really only love.  How you loved and how you were loved.  There are six months left in this year.  Could you find a way to celebrate six special people?  Could you do it in a way that is simple and sincere?  If you have found a way to celebrate someone special, send me an e-mail at and share your simple celebration details.

Thank you for visiting My Turquoise Kettle Life.

Have a simply beautiful day,


Here is the recipe for  Lentil Brown Rice Burgers. 

Lentil Brown Rice Burgers (makes 8-10)

1 cup (250 ml) green lentils (don't worry - there's no soaking required!)
2 cloves garlic, finely minced
1 tsp (5ml)of oregano (or Italian Seasoning)
1/4 cup (60ml) of onion finely chopped (or chives)
2 cups (500 ml) of cooked brown rice
1/2 tsp (2ml) steak spice or to taste
Pepper to taste
olive oil for cooking

Put lentils, garlic, oregano and onion into a medium-size sauce pan.  Cover with water.  Bring to a boil over medium-high heat.  Boil for 4 minutes, reduce heat to medium-low, cover and simmer for 30 minutes.  Check at least 3 times during simmering, stirring occasionally; if water has reduced by too much add about 1/2 cup (125ml) (goal: get lentils to absorb water, but not burn). If there is excess water after cooking, carefully drain it off.  Cool lentils 10 minutes.

Combine all ingredients into a food processor (or similar gadget) and whirl around until things begin to stick together.  Form mixture into patties about 4 inches in diameter. 

Preheat skillet with olive oil. Place patties 4 at a time in skillet and cook for 2-3 minutes per side or until slightly browned.

Place on toasted burger buns and enjoy.  To freeze, allow burgers to cool and wrap individually in plastic wrap.

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