Have you ever arrived somewhere and had a sense that you had crossed an invisible threshold into a place with an energy that was so beyond explanation that when you tried to describe it later, all you could say was, "It felt magical"?
I hadn't either until this past summer. My favourite niece and her husband purchased several acres of land on which sits a hundred year old cedar shake clad home with a slate roof. There's a barn and a pond and acres of forest and nature. None of that is particularly unusual although it is picturesque and beautiful. But there's something more going on here that even after several visits I cannot quite identify. Each time I leave, I find myself longing to return to bask in the presence of something I cannot name. It's a pull that not just I, but others feel too; a gentle calling that whispers and beckons.

I doubt I will ever understand what is at play here but how lovely to know that there are places in our natural world that feel blissfully, restoratively supernatural.
Thank you for visiting My Turquoise Kettle Life today,
May you find a corner of bliss in your world today,