Monday, 30 March 2020

Gentleness for Today

I'm in isolation at home with one of my daughters and my grandchildren.  We are so blessed, we are healthy, we have food, we have each other.  My job is not adaptable to working from home so I'm just home.  Some days I think what a great opportunity to accomplish all the tasks that I generally push to the end of my to-do list and some days I think, "This comfy chair gives me a great view of the drizzly weather and the occasional person venturing out to walk a dog."
Sometimes I feel happy and energetic and sometimes I need a nap.

Sometimes all I can manage is a nap

I think my daughter and I came to the conclusion that gentleness is the way to go.  Naturally with children there is a schedule that needs to be (loosely) adhered to but in many ways I think its important to be extra gentle with ourselves and others.  There has been a huge shift in each of our lives and that takes time to adjust to.  None of us will do this perfectly.  I'm trying to do it with patience, grace and gratitude. I'm successful about as often as I am unsuccessful.  I'm trying.  I'm learning.  I'm messing up and trying again.

What seems to help is my meditation practice and of course prayer.  If you're reading this know that I'm praying for you - for all your pressing needs and for a gentleness of spirit to carry you through today and the days to come.

Thank you for visiting My Turquoise Kettle Life today.

Wishing you a gentle day,


Sunday, 22 March 2020

Children's Painting Project

I hope that this post finds you well.  Are you mostly confined to your home, have extra time on your hands and younger ones underfoot?  If so this post may inspire you to spend a sunny afternoon as we did today, exercising our creativity.

Several months ago my dear neighbour Suzanne gave me a few "shadow box" canvases. My granddaughter, who is nine, and I pulled one out today, set up an area to get a bit messy and assembled all our supplies: magazines for cutting, glue, acrylic paint, brushes etc. Please remember that acrylic paint can stain fabrics, so cover up.

The idea was to find a landscape image to fit in the recessed square in the center of the canvas and then to extend the landscape outwards using her imagination. 

we fixed the image to the canvas using matte medium but glue would work too.

Using a pencil, my granddaughter extended the landscape up, to the sides and down.

 Once she had a rough drawing, she began with acrylic paints filling in sky, treetops and a river.

Our kitten Pepper watches the creative process.

Whoa Pepper! Haha.... beware of leaping kittens!
Filling in the surrounding landscape, the painting begins taking shape.

And voila!  A completed masterpiece.
This was a fun way to spend a couple of hours. 

As a less messy alternative or for a younger artist, this project could be easily adapted to a magazine image glued to the center of a sturdy piece of paper and filled in using watercolours, pencil or wax crayons. 

Like a blank canvas, each of us can choose how we colour our experiences.  Let's choose optimism, cooperation and faith as often as we can.

Thank you for visiting My Turquoise Kettle Life today.

Wishing you a day of happy colours,


Wednesday, 18 March 2020

A Little Bear Repair

Last year my 85 year old mom gave my grandson Eli a very old teddy bear that she had been given years earlier.  Apparently the bear is quite old, he has a fully articulated head and limbs but no label that would give us a clue as to his history.  He was in decent condition with the exception of the pads of his paws, the fabric on them had disintegrated and with the slightest touch would rub away.

I rubbed off the fragile brown fabric and on a sunny afternoon in the comfort of my bed, I set to replacing it with some fuzzy cream fabric that I found. 

gentle stitching under the watchful eye of Pepper the kitten.
Nearly as good as new

Sometimes when we are feeling worn and frayed, the gentle touch of a friend can help to set us right again.  Remember to reach out to those who may be feeling isolated or alone today. 

Thank you for stopping by My Turquoise Kettle Life today,

May you be well,