Saturday, 14 December 2019

T'was a Night before Christmas ... in the ER

Eli-Alexandre age 6

As Christmas approaches and my list of errands and chores grows longer and available time seems to melt away faster than butter in the microwave, it can be difficult to find the essence of this season of  "glad tidings and great joy". Even though I've edited my celebrations I still slog through long line ups and busy parking lots focusing on the end result -  what will hopefully be a beautiful, delicious and meaningful gathering for my family on December 25th.

It was sobering therefore to find myself this week accompanying my sister through the  labyrinth that is the medical emergency services at our local hospital.  She had dislocated her shoulder and waited many long painful hours before the situation was corrected.

While hospital waits are notoriously long, what does not take long in the ER is to remember what really matters.  Families gathered around gurneys worried about their loved ones.  Parents cradling little ones who are struggling to breath through congested lungs, The elderly, unaccompanied, alone and scared and calling out to every person that passes them in the corridor for help.

There was one situation that brought me to tears; ambulance attendants running in with an unconscious young man whose face was covered in blood.  Soon after, doctors and nurses were racing this patient into the shock room.  Then came the police officers, huddled in the corner discussing the young patient.  But the heartbreak was the family, his mom head down leaning against the corridor wall while his dad, shocked and confused stared off at nothing in particular;  were those his brother and sister openly weeping?  Hours and hours later I saw the family emerging from a private room, somewhat disoriented, adrift in a world that suddenly seemed to make much less sense. My chest physically ached for this unknown family.  I prayed for them but the burden remained.

The following morning my sister saw the orthopedic surgeon just to make sure all was in order. This was the same doctor who treated our mother earlier this year for a broken wrist. We thanked him again for the care he had given our mom, he asked after her and said quite solemnly, "What matters most is family.".

I don't have much to add to that.  May you embrace and appreciate those whom you love today and every day.  If you are blessed enough to share some time with those close to you this season, give them a big squeeze and remind them just how much they truly mean to you.

Thank you for making time to visit My Turquoise Kettle Life,
Wishing you a wonderful Christmas,


Friday, 6 December 2019

How to cope with overwhelm

Sooner or later we are likely to be overwhelmed with that feeling that life is dealing us more than we can currently process or handle.  Like my little poodle in the photo, the path before us may seem daunting and we're leashed at the bottom of a steep upward climb.  Overwhelm might also be described as fear, fear of what lies ahead, fear that we are not capable, fear of loss or pain, fear of failure, or fear of disappointing others.

I have a quote pinned up in my office, ""Fear Not" is the response to fear, not a shaming of it.  It's an invitation to courage."
I've taken a lot of comfort in those words over the past 12 months, I find the concept very soothing - my circumstances might have me feeling helpless and overwhelmed but the idea that I can use my situation to help me develop into a more courageous woman, well, that puts a different spin on things. It becomes an opportunity to practice being stronger and more courageous (practice being the key word).

"... Be strong and courageous.  Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.
Joshua 1:9

I am not by nature courageous or strong, in the past I have suffered from debilitating anxiety.  I have come to realize though that no amount of fretting on my part has ever changed ANYTHING.  What I have found that works is soothing my racing mind and prayer.

To sooth my overactive mind, I will do one or more of the following: write out my thoughts in a journal, call my sister (my voice of reason and logic), listen to soothing music, do a bit of yoga, take a walk, cuddle my dog, have a good long cry (to relieve tension), do something nice for someone else, drink tea and get enough sleep.  I also recall  the times in the past that God has carried me through trials in amazing ways, I thank Him and ask for His guidance and help yet again.

I hope you are not feeling discouraged or overwhelmed today but if you are take heart, you are not alone, reach out to those whom you trust and love and know you are stronger and more courageous than you might feel or believe.

Thank you for stopping by My Turquoise Kettle Life,

Wishing you peace of mind,
