Sunday, 16 December 2018

Beauty and Chaos

I've been working on an embroidery project recently.  The floss has become a tangled heap that I pick and tug at as I work the  pattern.  Pinterest seems aware of this chaos and regularly sends me helpful suggestions on how to neatly organize embroidery floss.

A beautiful mess
My Turquoise Kettle Life

But neatly arranged spindles of floss soldiers are not what I want right now.  There is something beautiful about this colourful and chaotic knot of thread, something unpredictable.  As I pull and remove threads, turning and tugging I am impressed with the kaleidoscope effect - one slight movement forever changing the landscape in the viewfinder.

Could there be a lesson in this tangled mess?   I generally lean toward simple, organized, predictable... I find reassurance in those places.  But life isn't predictable or simple (even when I try to keep it organized).
Maybe the truth is that even in the unknown, ever changing tangled chaos that life sometimes presents, there is a rich, beautiful mess and  that all I need to do is appreciate the beauty and welcome what I see in my viewfinder today.

Thank you for stopping by My Turquoise Kettle Life today.

Wishing you a most colourful day,
