Sometimes I play the "regret game" with myself to help gain clarity. It goes like this, "If didn't have any more time here, what would I regret not having done?" This is more of a feeling exercise than a thinking one. Thankfully there isn't too much on that list but the one thing that came up after I went hiking with my daughter in August, was the unsatisfied longing to spend more time in nature.
Sunset - Lake St. Francis |
But in order to get away in nature the way I wanted to do it (alone) meant facing the fear of being away by myself and maybe not feeling safe. My wish list included a place with cell phone reception, not too remote, where I wouldn't have to socialize, but also forest, waterfront and quiet. I found the perfect camping spot that was relatively close, the price was reasonable and the location perfect. For three days I was able to listen to the wind in the trees, hear the waves on the shore while I slept and no one expected anything of me, I didn't have to show up anywhere at anytime, there was nothing I had to do. I walked through the woods, I sat on rocks along the shore, I watched gulls, geese and herons, chipmunks and squirrels. I enjoyed gorgeous sunrises and sunsets, made a campfire, read a book, napped and took photos.
Blue Heron |
Morning Campfire |
My time there was precious and I was sad to leave. I had suspected that I was craving time in nature, but I didn't realize how much so until I was able to immerse myself in it. I plan to incorporate activities like this more regularly into my days and weeks.
Its good to take stock every now and then of what we might be wanting and needing in our lives. Its easy to function on autopilot and do what we have always done, to surround ourselves with the same people and noise and busyness, to feel that there isn't enough time for what we really enjoy. Its easy to feel that our needs and wants are secondary to those of the people around us, but they're not secondary. This life is our one chance to live without holding back out of fear; to live without regrets.
Thank you for stopping in at My Turquoise Kettle life.
Wishing you a day full of possibilities,