Hollyhocks - (Sandra) |
Recently my five year old granddaughter has been painting with me in the studio. We've talked about landscapes, portraits and still life. She is a free-spirit and has her own ideas about most things including creativity and painting so it was interesting when we tackled a still life and her work was very reminiscent of my own style. Not surprising; we imitate and learn. We are
Pink flowers in a blue bowl (SJ) |
I wondered if "influe" originated with the idea of in-flow and yes that is the origin of the word ( late Middle English: from Old French or Latin, "inflow". Originally suggesting "influx, flowing matter".) If you adhere to the belief that all life is vibrating energy flowing and moving, you can picture how influence may work, other people's ideas, beliefs, behaviours and energy flow to us and through us.
So when
Jim Rohn famously said that "You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.", I can see how that may be true or at least how the general idea of that may be true. We are sponges soaking in our environment, what we see, what we hear, what we consume (both physically and emotionally). With awareness we can always choose to reject and release any negativity that we have encountered, but how much simpler and healthier to deliberately choose, when we can, to surround ourselves with what we do want to absorb, what we do want in-flowing and influencing us.
Since I'm highly sensitive, I'm particular about what I eat, read, watch and how I care for myself. I try to surround myself with beauty and to choose people who are uplifting and positive. Does it mean that we don't reach out to those who are depressed, ill, hurting? Not at all, we are meant to give and receive help, comfort and connection; it is important though to strike a balance and perhaps to off-set a particularly negative, draining encounter with a rejuvenating one. Sometimes however, a long on-going, no-end-in-sight situation calls for extremely difficult decisions; ending the relationship, changing jobs, moving and moving-on.
We are all "under the influence" of our environments and relationships. What or whom is influencing you? What could be tweaked to fine tune your already wonderful, happy life? Or conversely, if life isn't flowing as you would like it to, is it time to make those difficult choices and "flush" a negative influence down the proverbial drain?
Thank you for visiting My Turquoise Kettle Life today.
Wishing you a most positive day,