"What is a weed? A plant whose virtues have never been discovered."
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Last weekend was the big gardening weekend. Since our geographical location makes it risky to plant before mid May, Victoria Day marks the beginning of gardening season. A walk around the neighbourhood this morning confirms that while I worked all three days of the long weekend at the boutique, every single one of my neighbours were out beautifying their properties.
So it was this morning that I found myself, rake in hand, standing in the center of my backyard overwhelmed and discouraged. The grass is full of weeds, as are the flower beds, even the gaps in the patio tiles are sprouting long weeds. I'm trying to grow grass over what was last year's vegetable garden but it is sparse. I'm probably over-tired, and looking from one eye-sore to the next isn't helping.
One eye-sore .... |
.....to the next. |
I need a plan because there are hours, days and probably weeks of work back here and I am only one woman with a rake and a spade. So I decide to begin to the right of the entry gate and work slowly on the flower beds around the edge of the property. I will only look at the area directly in front of me and make it as weed-free and trimmed as possible. I tell myself, "Do not look at any other area of the yard, only these few square feet in front of me." It really is a matter of focus; don't look to far ahead, deal with what is in front of me at this moment. How many times could I benefit from this approach to gardening and to life?
After four hours I have one garden weeded and trimmed, two garbage cans are overloaded with weeds and both lawns are mowed. I'm sweaty, exhausted and dirty but my prior discouragement has somewhat abated and perhaps this summer I can actually rescue this backyard; even if I am only one woman with a rake and a spade.
Thank you for stopping in at My Turquoise Kettle Life.
Plant yourself a happy day,