Thursday, 24 December 2015

DIY Christmas Tree

It isn't that I don't like a real Christmas tree, the look, the scent and all those decorations but this year I wanted to do something a little different.  I looked on line for ideas for alternatives to Christmas trees but nothing inspired me.  I stood in the middle of my painting studio and figured that there had to be something on hand that would serve as my tree this year.  Leaning in a corner were four simple wooden easels.  I took three and fashioned them together into a cone shape.  I love when an idea starts sparking....

Christmas Tree using 3 wooden artist easels
My Turquoise Kettle Life
I tied the easels together using twine, then strung the mini light around and wrapped several meters of white tulle over the lights.  The finishing touch was a star which I suspended from the ceiling to hang over the top of the tree.  Yes, its a little off beat but it might just be the perfect Christmas tree for an artist.

I wish you and your loved ones a wonderful Christmas; a time of laughter and love; and may the spirit of Christmas reside in our hearts all year long.

Thank you for visiting My Turquoise Kettle Life.

Merry Christmas,

Wednesday, 23 December 2015

DIY Zipper Jewelry

Its December 23rd... two days until the Christmas gifts are placed beneath the tree.  I wanted to give you a sneak preview of my DIY zipper necklace.  For Christmas our family does a gift exchange which I love; it cuts down on the shopping and the gift has to be hand-made.  While some family members find the DIY idea challenging (and it can be depending on who's name you've chosen) I love it.  This year I stumbled across zipper jewelry on line and decided to give it a try.  I roughly copied one that I found at It was quite simple and quick to make.  

There are several good videos on line that outline the various processes for making zipper jewelry from easy to complex.  I wanted something simple so I bought my zipper by the meter, cut away the excess fabric that runs along the size of the zipper teeth, swirled the zipper into circles and used a hot glue gun to hold everything in place.  The most challenging part of this project was trying to avoid the necklace from sticking to the work surface and not burning my finger tips with the hot glue. There is a black felt backing that hides all the raggedy edges and excess glue.  Jewelry joiners, clasp and ribbon add the finishing touches.  

Thank you for stopping by My Turquoise Kettle Life today.

Wishing you a wonderful and creative day,


Thursday, 2 July 2015

How to Create Perfect Tabletop Displays at Home

I haven't written much lately.  I sometimes don't know what to write, what to share.  My life is in transition (who's isn't really?) and what I write one day may not reflect how I feel the next.  What I wrote about work a few years ago is no longer how I feel today. Today I'm deeply grateful that I work at an elegant home decor boutique, surrounded by beauty, meeting so many people and helping them to create homes that they love.  

Of course there is also the personal need to exercise restraint when I'm at the store... there are so many gorgeous items, I am constantly reminding myself that my own home and budget are not large. Thankfully the inspiration I find there is free and I can always bring loads of that home.  

Three is the magic number for displays

Simple displays or "vignettes" as they are referred to in the boutique are easy to re-create when you know the formula.  As many of you probably know 3 is the magic number in creating a display, also the concept of pyramid and triangle.  Three items displayed: tall, medium, short; don't line them up in a row, rather set them up in a triangular arrangement on your tabletop.  If there's too much discrepancy between heights, (such as when you have a tall lamp and two smaller items) place one of the items on a few stacked books to bridge the gap.  Try to choose either a common theme, colour or style to further unify your display.  Finally, re-purpose items; in the photo above that little vase is actually an empty pill bottle.  Poke around your cupboards, what items have you tucked away that could be used to create a pretty vignette?  

Do you have a favourite store, next time you're there really look at how they create their look.  What colours have they used on the walls, in displays.  A smart customer will often bring in photos of their room(s) and get personal advice on how to get a particular look for their home.  Don't be shy, sales associates are usually delighted to help you create the look you want for your space.

Thank you for stopping in at My Turquoise Kettle Life today.

Have a beautiful day,


Saturday, 11 April 2015

I Nearly Shut Down My Blog

I nearly shut down this blog.  Over the past 18 months my life has been turned upside down and inside out and at many times I thought that "My Turquoise Kettle Life" no longer applied, there were weeks (months) I barely recognized my life.  I've had health issues and my marriage ended.  Where is the life I described to you in my early posts?

Well, that life is not here any longer.  I can see now (with a bit of time and distance) that what has been stripped away was actually toxic for me. I used to have a lot of fears about my health, about medical tests, about food, about life in general.  But recently a freedom so contrary to the self I knew has crept in and I find myself deep in gratitude for all the events which have brought me to this place; my recent health crisis and the changes in my personal life.  Its a personal renaissance.  God is so good.  I am still regaining my health and strength; but rather than creep away I will continue to write and share about my life.  About painting and creating and now more than ever (because life necessitates) living simply.... yet in freedom and joy.

Thank you for stopping in at My Turquoise Kettle Life today.

May your day be filled with joy.


Thursday, 29 January 2015

Back at the Easel

This week my painting friends and I braved the cold and wind to gather at our shared studio and create.  I arrived uninspired and feeling rusty.  I brought an old painting, predominately blue in colour and turned it upside down to begin again.  I wondered where my brush would go and what my heart had to say (if anything).  As my painting began to take shape my studio mate chuckled, "Encore les circles?" (Still circles?)  What can I say?  Circles that bloom into more flowers.

Garden Party - 24" x 30"

Detail of Garden Party
Thank you for visiting My Turquoise Kettle Life.
Wishing you a very happy day,