Ow. Life sometimes hurts:pain, fear, uncertainly, loss. Sometimes it is true that we need to soldier on, one foot in front of the other; through our numbness. Evenutally though a time comes when we should tip toe away to our safe place; a place where we can cry our tears, nurse our wounds, pray our prayers, write our words of pain. Whether we visit a trusted friend, a place in nature or just a tub brimming with warm water and fragrance, we need to give ourselves permission to go as often and for as long as we need.
Let me find a hide-a-way. |
A shelter where I feel safe and secure |
so that when life's flood waters rise and threaten to swamp me,
and when I feel lost and alone,
I may look around and see that I am in fact surrounded by family and friends and sheltered in their love.
Thank you for stopping in at My Turquoise Kettle Life today,
May you be sheltered in love always,