Sunday, 16 June 2013


The other morning as the sun was peeking over the tree tops and casting long shadows on dewy lawns; I grabbed  my camera and headed out just after six a.m. for a quick walk.  I got some nice shots but this is the only one I really wanted to share with you.

Close up of a wild rose
S. King-Allikas
Sometimes I am in awe of the intricacies of a simple flower, the colours, textures, the way the light filters through the petals. 

How often I look without seeing, without taking the time to really notice.  How often I listen with divided attention and miss really hearing... birds..... the wind in the branches.... people speaking from their hearts.  It is only a moment but then the moment is gone. 

It is a challenge to be open, to see, to feel, to listen, to be present.  My mind wanders, it grumbles and finds fault, it makes judgments and creates worries.  As some wise person has said, "The mind is a wonderful servant, but a terrible master." 

As this new week begins, may I be better able to still the chatter of my mind.  May I be able to listen to the quiet beneath the noisy surface and to see more deeply than what my eyes alone observe.

Thank you for visiting My Turquoise Kettle Life today,

Wishing you a peace filled day,


Monday, 10 June 2013

Minimalist Kitchen Renovation - Update

Since my last post where we installed wide plank pine flooring, I have painted the walls of the kitchen.  I painted the rough plaster walls white and the other walls blue.  For the past month I've had paint swatches taped to the kitchen walls so that I can assess what each shade looked like in various light throughout the day.

There were colours that were okay but it wasn't until we were in Ontario last month that I found my perfect blue paint colour at Lowe's.  It's a Valspar brand paint colour called "morning chill".  Our local renovation centre scanned the colour to match it.  I loved it on the paint swatch and I love it even more on the walls. 

Blue Kitchen Walls

Hand-painted wall motif

I decided to re-paint the motif over our arched kitchen entry to better co-ordinate with the new wall colour.  This week I hope to get the baseboards and quarter round painted and installed. 

Zack indicating where baseboards are needed.

Our kitchen renovation may be minimal in terms of expense but it is taking plenty of time to complete.  Sometimes I feel as though it is the job that never ends.  Today, however, I felt a little better after reading an article in the Montreal Gazette in the "HomeFront" section. A Montreal family was interviewed about renovations on their 1950's semi-detached home. Describing an extensive second renovation of their kitchen the owner said, "After a decade, we realized that it wasn't a very practical work area.  You have to live in a space for a while before problems emerge." 

See what I mean?  Our relaxed renovation pace has allowed us to live with the space, to really consider what is practical for our specific needs and lifestyle.  We've nixed a lot of ideas over the months that, had we completed the job quickly, would have been a done deal.  We moved around cabinets, tried a potential window seat, different sizes of kitchen tables, we've changed our ideas on lighting and on sink/taps a couple of times and don't even ask about countertops... I think we have finally have an idea nailed down, but I can't be sure.  We sometimes get side tracked but always come back to the questions "What do we need to do in this space and what is the simplest way to accomplish that while still creating a space that feels welcoming and is authentically us?"

The remaining jobs include: baseboards, painting cabinets, new cabinet handles, countertop, window trim and a new door to the lower level.  That shouldn't take us too long, should it?

I will certainly keep you posted!

Thank you for stopping in at My Turquoise Kettle Life today.

Wishing you a relaxed pace day,


Saturday, 8 June 2013

D.I.Y. - 50th Birthday Personalized Message Necklace

DIY 50th Birthday Necklace
S. King-Allikas

Recently one of my favourite people celebrated her 50th birthday.  I wanted to create for her something as special and unique as she is herself. 

I thought it might be nice to make her a necklace and interspersed between the beads would be 50 little slips of paper, each with a message of why I appreciate her, special memories and funny reminicences. 

At our local art supply store I found a "Pandora style" 18" necklace and purchased 26 beads.  I typed out my 50 messages and cut them into strips of various lengths and using a single hole punch, made a hole at one end.  I strung two messages between each bead for a total of 50 messages. 

Think of all the reasons that your friend is so special to you.
S. King-Allikas

Here is the finished necklace.  To wear the necklace she just needs to tear off the slips of paper.

Black & White DIY Birthday Necklace
S. King-Allikas
Personalized Message Birthday Necklace
S. King-Allikas

Plan on finding or purchasing a good size shallow box so that the papers don't get bent during wrapping. 

Thank you for visiting My Turquoise Kettle Life today.

Wishing you a gem of a day,
