Saturday, 27 April 2013

Minimalist Kitchen Renovation - An Update

Our kitchen renovations are beginning to progress, a little.  Since I wrote last month, we have installed a newly created cabinet beside the oven, and adjusted and permanently attached a double lower cabinet in its new location.  This will make our counter area longer as you can see in the image below; the current countertop doesn't quite cover the new configuration of cabinets.  New countertop will correct that but in the  meantime it is ever so easy to access the contents of that last drawer.

In a moment of discouragement (and crankiness) earlier this week, I measured up the kitchen and went to the big box store to calculate how many pre-assembled cabinets we'd need to buy to replace what we have.  I made plans to buy them this weekend. "I'm just doing it."  My husband quietly agreed and then one evening when I was sufficiently calm, he said, "You do know how much toxic gas those new cabinets will continue to give off over the years don't you?"  That's all he needed to say to re-establish my willingness to work with what we have.

Kitchen - A work in progress

The funny thing about a situation like that is I suddenly felt as though I'd saved a pile of money.  My original plan never included new cabinets, that idea lasted only three or four days but it was long enough to feel that nixing the new cabinets  now justified a few extras that I hadn't previously planned on, such as a double sink (since we do all our dishes by hand) and perhaps a new tap.

Our next steps include repairing the drywall around the window and putting down new flooring.  I'll definitely keep you posted.

Thank you for stopping in at My Turquoise Kettle Life today.

Wishing you a fun day,


Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Mamita Restaurant - Exhibits my Paintings


A dozen or so of my most recent paintings are currently hanging in Saint Lambert's newest restaurant, Mamita.   Owner and chef, Carole Kingsbury has created a delightful yet simple restaurant offering a wide variety of homecooked meals.  The decor is relaxed and  "zen" - the perfect setting for my most recent collection of abstract and semi-abstract works. 

Located at 2001 Victoria Avenue, Saint Lambert (corner Simard) and open for breakfast and lunch daily, dinner Thursdays through Saturdays. 


A piano enhances the mood during evening meals, guests are welcomed to play as well.


Hope to see you there!
Thank you for stopping visiting My Turquoise Kettle Life today,
Wishing you a yummy day,