Thursday 16 August 2012

The ugliness of clutter

Over the past couple of weeks my husband and I have visited several homes for sale. These houses are in rural settings, they range from cottages converted to houses, simple farm houses, Victorian farmhouses, 1950's bungalows.... a wide range of styles, sizes and settings.

The only consistent quality that they all seem to share is clutter. Perhaps I'm more sensitive to clutter than most people, but what we've seen ranges from "They have too much stuff" to "This space feels oppressive, drowning in doo-dads, knick-knacks and junk."

My husband joked (I think he was joking) that we should go into the business of helping people eliminate all the unnecessary from their homes (and lives) and allow them to experience what it is to live in homes that are airy, open, clean and uncluttered. Possessions can enrich our lives but all too often people have packed every closet, nook and cranny with books, clothes, old toys, furniture, old blinds, curtains and tools just in case they need them one day. Just because you have a shelf to keep it on does not mean that you should keep it.

Someone I know recently moved into a new apartment, she was so happy that a relative had an old window blind to offer her that he had hung onto since he sold his house (25 years ago!). She actually said how smart he was to have kept it "just in case someone needed it."

When I visit a cluttered home I often get the urge to declutter my own. Keeping our living spaces clear is an on-going practice and to that end I used my cousin Deb's "fill a garbage bag" exercise and went room by room until it was nearly full of throw-aways and give-aways.

If you need inspiration to begin de-cluttering visit websites that have lovely images of calm, beautiful rooms and be inspired. Close your eyes and imagine yourself living in a space that feels serene, then open your eyes, grab a garbage bag and liberate your home and yourself.

Thank you for visiting My Turquoise Kettle Life today.

Wishing you a serene and beautiful day,


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