Thursday 19 April 2012

Personal Transformation

The concept of transformation and especially personal transformation is one that permeates much of my life.  In my artist bio I explain how transformation is the catalyst for much of my painting.  My journal is bulging with ideas and thoughts related to this subject. 

I have known the self-loathing of running frightened from change and transformation.  Because of those moments I have also known what it is to live someone else's version of my life, to forfeit my dreams and to suffocate my talents and gifts so as not to shine too brightly, and not to threaten those who worship the status quo. 

Do you have any idea what the long term effects of living a false life are? 

When I stifled my true self, when I ran like a little mouse from the prospect of taking responsibility for myself and actually doing the work of transforming (because it is work) I chose coping mechanisms that distracted me from the true issues.  I developed  eating and anxiety disorders that kept me imprisoned for a very long time.  It was painful and I felt ashamed and powerless.

Thankfully shame and fear do not have to be the end of any of our stories.  This world, this universe is always about renewal.  Yet we must choose this renewal, healing and transformation.

Jesus was wise to ask the blind and the lame, "What is it that you want?".  While what is needed may be obvious to an observer, the blind need to identify what they want.  It seems incredible that the lame would choose not to be restored and yet....  

And yet, we may choose to remain captive to old habits, ideas and ways of being that do not serve us or allow us to enjoy or share our beauty and potential with those around us.  Have you ever caught a glimpse of your potential and had the brilliance of it frighten you?  Maybe you too have run like a frightened mouse from the universe's invitation to shine.

If you have, forgive yourself and begin to dream.  Dream and disregard the negative self-editing voice that recites all your past fears and failures.  Dream and don't be discouraged by your current circumstances.  Instead be still and envision in great detail what it is that you have to share with the world and who it is that you were always meant to be.  

Ah, then you will have found the key to receive all that you were meant to have, to be and to share.

Thank you for visiting My Turquoise Kettle Life today.

Wishing you a fearless day,


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