Tuesday 10 January 2012

Quiet Corners

In this world without quiet corners, there can be no easy escape from history, from hullabaloo, from terrible, unquiet fuss.

Salman Rushdie

Does this quotation ring true to you? How challenging it can be to find your quiet corner of the world. Interestingly he says there is no "easy" escape, inferring that there is a way to escape the hullabaloo of the world but you may have to put some effort in to find or create it for yourself.

"Ah, finally.  My Quiet Corner"

When my daughters were little and I was working full time I had a short commute to work by car. Many mornings were a blur of lunches, school bags, arguments and often tears as I rush rush rushed my girls out the door. Sometimes as I strapped them into the car their little hands were still clutching pieces of toast that they hadn't had time to finish eating.

"What am I doing wrong??"
Once they were both safely delivered to their respective school/daycare the car became my quiet corner on wheels. After a difficult morning I would often cry, "What am I doing wrong God?" I would be filled with remorse for having been impatient or cranky with the girls. I'd vow to do better tomorrow. Often the commute was also where I could catch my breath before my work day began. I avoided using the radio and tried to use the time to be quiet, to pray and to listen. Sometimes on my lunch hour I would escape to my car again and listen to a radio program, "In Touch Ministries". I'd eat my lunch there listening to God's message of love and his promise of hope. Just that little 30 minutes of stillness and escape from the fuss of the office fed my body, mind and spirit.

These days I find it beneficial to escape into the quiet corner of my home office early in the morning. It centers me and connects my spirit to the Divine. Lately God has been reminding me that he is quite capable of handling everything and that he doesn't require my help to control situations or people. I don't need to fix everything or have all the answers or be the one doing all the doing. It’s a lesson I've learned before, but it seems that I'm on a refresher course.
"Excuse me, I'm going to my quiet corner."

Having a quiet corner is like having a good place to study; a place that is quiet where interruptions are unlikely and where my mind and spirit are freed to absorb the lesson of the day.

Thank you for visiting My Turquoise Kettle Life today,

May you find your quiet corner today,


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