Friday 2 September 2011

Sensible Schedules - Photo Essay with Cows

The photos that accompany today's post were taken near Eastman Quebec.  A special thank you to all the cows for their patience and cooperation.

September is like a huge switch that despite our reluctance and resistance gets turned "on" right after the Labour Day weekend. We all know that it’s coming, we know what it looks and feels like, yet we appear to be startled when it’s dark at 6:00 am or by 8:00 pm. Pulling our sweaters tightly about us we complain, "Its chilly today!" As if we had no idea that this is what was in store for us.

If we are caught off guard by the weather, imagine for a moment how many of us will feel when we find ourselves (once again) swamped with commitments to clubs, lessons, social groups, sports, committees, work, school and church. The French have a lovely term that sums up September, "la rentrée". A "re-entering". I've read it described as a returning from vacation, to home, to work, to normalcy.   If  "normalcy" causes you to feel some dread, it may be time to make a few  modifications.

While none of us can modify the rising or setting of the sun, or the chill that accompanies September, we do have choices about our schedules and how busy we allow ourselves to become. Here are five small steps that may help you to keep your schedule simple, healthy and enjoyable.

1. Under schedule.... set a limit to how many evenings/week-ends a month you are willing to be committed. You may not mind being out two nights a week but remember it isn't only what is scheduled that will fill up your weeks, unexpected and sometimes important requests will also arise. Leave gaps (lots of them!) in your calendar.

Escape over committment
2. Do schedule YOU time.... in the same way you would write commitments on your calendar, book certain times that are for your enjoyment. At the beginning of each month make a list of five things that refresh you, it could be a massage, a manicure, an evening at the library, watching a movie, a yoga class, chatting with a cherished friend over a cup of tea. You get to decide. Do not allow the wants of others deter you from these activities; you need them to stay healthy.

Schedule time to relax or hang out with friends

3. If you have children... research shows that over scheduling our children hurts not helps them. Limit each child to one sport or activity. Let them choose what interests them. Tell them they can try something different next time, but it is one activity at a time. This one suggestion alone could save your sanity (and your budget) this fall.

Nurture your children by not over scheduling them.

4. If you have a significant other... Don't allow your outside interests/obligations to trump together time with a significant other. While your spouse may agree that your "good works" are helping others, remember what is really important to you and invest your time there.
Schedule time with your significant other

5. Avoid the "shoulds"....When you are deciding where to volunteer or what to sign up for avoid the "shoulds". Just because you've been on the parent committee at your child's school for the past two years does not mean you have to volunteer there this year.

Any groups you'd rather not be involved with?
Avoid following the herd

A good way for me to gauge if I am where I want to be is how I feel when a meeting/event is cancelled. If I get a call that the event is postponed until next week and I find myself doing "the happy dance" around the kitchen, good chance it isn't what I want to be doing.


When my daughters were young, an older woman shared some wisdom with me. She said,

"Don't be everything you can be, be the only thing that you can be."

Simply explained, I am the only one who can be a great mom to my daughters, I am the only one who can be an awesome wife to my husband, and I am the only one who can be "Nana" to my grand-daughter.  There are roles and opportunities that you are uniquely positioned to fill, usually these are the most important and rewarding. 

In closing, choose wisely where you will spend your energy and your time this fall. If you cannot completely over-haul your schedule, take baby-steps, a few this September, a few more in January... even small changes will make "la rentrée" a more pleasant experience

Thank you for stopping by My Turquoise Kettle Life today,

Enjoy the long-weekend,


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