Sunday 16 June 2013


The other morning as the sun was peeking over the tree tops and casting long shadows on dewy lawns; I grabbed  my camera and headed out just after six a.m. for a quick walk.  I got some nice shots but this is the only one I really wanted to share with you.

Close up of a wild rose
S. King-Allikas
Sometimes I am in awe of the intricacies of a simple flower, the colours, textures, the way the light filters through the petals. 

How often I look without seeing, without taking the time to really notice.  How often I listen with divided attention and miss really hearing... birds..... the wind in the branches.... people speaking from their hearts.  It is only a moment but then the moment is gone. 

It is a challenge to be open, to see, to feel, to listen, to be present.  My mind wanders, it grumbles and finds fault, it makes judgments and creates worries.  As some wise person has said, "The mind is a wonderful servant, but a terrible master." 

As this new week begins, may I be better able to still the chatter of my mind.  May I be able to listen to the quiet beneath the noisy surface and to see more deeply than what my eyes alone observe.

Thank you for visiting My Turquoise Kettle Life today,

Wishing you a peace filled day,


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