Wednesday 12 September 2012

It's September.... breathe deep

I absolutely love autumn but September can be less than fun, its back to school, work, traffic, committees and obligations of all sorts.  We wake up in the dark and by the time the dinner dishes are done it's nearly dark again.  I personally have a tendency to revert to "accomplish mode" hunkering down with my to-do list, nose to the grind-stone, push, push, push to get all the silly things on my self-fabricated to-do list done.

You see I struggle with fun, having fun, being fun and even being in the vicinity of fun.  I'm way too serious and have been told that I have the ability to "suck the joy out of my own life."  Yeah, that's me.  That is why is need to be so intentional about stopping, looking around, noticing all the beauty around me and trying to be gentle with myself and others.

Last Sunday we went for a drive to Hemmingford (a small community in southern Quebec) local artists were hosting a "Circuit des Artistes" where several painters had their studios open to the public. While I was luke-warm about going , it ended up being a wonderful day. 

Just the drive through the wide open farmland was rejuvinating.  Gorgeous sky, acres of fields, some dark green, some golden, others soft beige.  When I get out under such vast skies and remember how enormous the universe is and how small my concerns are, I can remember to breathe deep.

crops near Hemmingford, Qc.

Corn fields near Hemmingford, Qc.

Acres of farmland and miles of sky

We met some very talented and creative artists who were very inspirational.  They were warm and welcoming and generous with their artistic knowledge.  It left me excited about getting back to my own studio, about painting and creating.  It was a lovely way to spend a Sunday.  I might even say, "I had fun".

Thank you for stopping in at "My Turquoise Kettle Life" today.

Wishing you a fun day,


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