Tuesday 27 March 2012

Spring Decluttering

"In our rich consumers' civilization we spin cocoons around ourselves and get possessed by our possessions."
Max Lerner

First let me say, "Thank-you" to everyone who came out a couple of Saturdays ago to support La Maison des Arts Rive Sud small format exhibition. At the end of the day I was happy to return home with considerably fewer paintings than I had arrived with. That's a great feeling, not only because people liked my work enough to want to bring it home, but also because there is just a little bit more room in the studio.

You see, with the arrival of spring, with the opening of windows and feeling the fresh air circulating about the house, I get this overwhelming urge to declutter. What drawers are hiding old receipts, elastics, paper clips, wine corks and miscellaneous gizmos? What books can I pass on to others? What clothes need mending or haven't been worn for (another) winter season?

A lot of us like the idea of a minimalist home, or at least of an uncluttered home but we are stymied for a couple of reasons. The task seems so daunting that it is difficult to begin and/or we have attached sentimental feelings on to a lot of our junk (sorry but a lot of it is really just junk: faded, worn, stained, broken) I have things that I keep for sentimental reasons too, just not a lot of them. I have a couple of pieces of artwork from each of my daughters when they were little, my two favourites are framed; two little clay masterpieces round out my "kid art" collection.

When I jettison no longer needed items I feel liberated, lighter, and free. One thing I've noticed is that thinking about a serene, uncluttered home is a start but it will never happen until I get off my butt and start tossing things. It’s not easy to begin but the result is always worth the effort.

My cousin, Deb, has a great technique. She gets out a big garbage bag and determines to declutter until the bag is full. She does this regularly and her home feels and looks serene. So far I've filled a bag and a half.

If you need de-cluttering inspiration look at photos of rooms that are clutter-free. Imagine how wonderful it would feel to own only what you need (okay and maybe a few items that you love just because they are beautiful). Imagine yourself unencumbered by possessions both those you thought were a good idea at one time and those that you inherited. The memories are not in the items, they are in your mind and in your heart. So open the windows take a deep breath and liberate yourself and your home.

Thank you for stopping by My Turquoise Kettle Life today.

Have a liberated day,



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