Wednesday 6 May 2020

Shrinking and Expanding

Outwardly my world (and probably yours too) has shrunk, I have less freedom and limited interactions, my days are spent at home.  What could feel like the constraint of a too small itchy wool sweater, actually feels snug and comforting, like the swaddling of a baby, safe, snug and cocooned.  While the outer parameters of my life shrink, inwardly I have time to stretch, to breathe.  I have spaces in the margins of my days.  
Prayer shawl in progress

This is no small joy.  With time to meditate regularly, to pray more deeply and to improve my yoga practice, my inner world is expanding.  There is no fixed schedule, no rushing.  Our meals are all home cooked, we've made our own bread and homemade ice cream.  We expanded a small garden for vegetables and have sewn some masks for our family members.  We have story time after breakfast most days and sometimes we nap after lunch.  There is time for ourselves for sitting and thinking and there is time for one another for listening and sharing ideas.  Last night my granddaughter taught me some dance moves and I showed her how to do the Twist to Chubby Checkers' hit song.  There is time to laugh.

One day the quarantine will end, schedules will fire up and restrictions will be watered down.  My daughter and her children will return to school, I will return to work, I will finally be able to see my daughter who lives in another province, it will be a time of rejoicing.  Those on the front lines will finally have the rest and freedom that they deserve.  May I never take for granted everything they have done to keep us safe.

Eventually the quarantine will be a memory woven into the fabric of our lives.  Do I want it to be over? Absolutely, but until then I believe there are many gifts to be discovered, unwrapped and appreciated right now that would never have been possible without these current circumstances.

Thank you for stopping in at My Turquoise Kettle Life today.

May your day be filled with beautiful gifts,


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