Saturday 9 June 2012

"Hey! That's my blankie!"

This past week both of my daughters commented on how much friendlier our dog, Zack, has been recently.  I hadn't really noticed but it's true. 

It used to be that Zack wasn't really happy about visitors, he wasn't even that thrilled with pedestrians using the sidewalk in front of our home.  When company arrived he had a habit of making them feel unwelcome and then collecting his blankie and pink elephant toy and retreating to a closet or under a piece of furniture.  Zack's past is a little sketchy.  We adopted him last year when he was already seven years old, so we cut him a little slack and for the most part try to be accepting of his neurosis. 

This week I had quite a few artists in for the Women's Summer Studio and I was apprehensive about Zack's normally unwelcoming attitude.  I planned to have him hang out downstairs and had placed his blanket and pink elephant there to make him feel more at home.

Long story short: it didn't work.  So Zack has ended up staying with the women in the studio and has been really quite a little gentleman; surprisingly so.  With his tail wagging and nuzzling he has been quite a good host. 

It made me wonder then, when my daughters mentioned his improved attitude, what had changed.  I think I found the answer this morning on the way to the laundry room, there, where he couldn't get to them, were his blanket and favourite toy. 

Do you think that because he hasn't had access to his prized possessions for over a week that he is experiencing a new found freedom and joy?  Now that he isn't concerned with protecting his "stuff" is he able to enjoy the people that visit?  Perhaps he no longer sees them as a threat and can relax and live in the moment without wondering, "Does he plan on stealing my blankie?"

A new relaxed Zack

When we allow our possession to take priority over enjoying and appreciating the people in our lives, you could say it's a case of the tail wagging the dog.

Thank you for visiting My Turquoise Kettle Life today,

Wishing you the freedom to enjoy what really matters,


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