Wednesday 24 August 2011

Reduce Speed in Fog - Rethinking Work

In my post of last Sunday, entitled Lake House , I wrote how I was using the week to "chart a course" for September to really try to get clear about what direction I want to go in. I guess you could say I was in a bit of a fog. I was conflicted over my heart's true desires and what I thought I should do.

The fog can be a frightening place. If you've ever run into heavy fog while driving you know how it can appear unexpectedly out of nowhere, envelope you and force you to slow down. You strain to see the lines on the road unsure of what lies ahead.

I guess you could say I was in a heavy fog...I have wanted to fully commit to living the creative life for a very long time yet also felt the societal and personal pressure to "work". By "work" I mean I show up at the specified location, perform specified task and magically the specified payment appears in my chequeing account. As opposed to my creative work which actually feels more like play, which some days makes me so excited I feel an actual buzzing in my being and which of course does not result in any magical deposit to my chequing account.

But it isn't really about the money (the numbers work).  The fog was about still trying to justify taking that freedom and fully living it, making a choice that works for me (my husband believes that what works for me automatically works for him... did I mention how much I cherish him??) and not feeling guilty because so many other people work at jobs they don't like. I'm the person who is served an amazing meal but only nibbles at the edges of the delicacy because others overseas are hungry. Yes maybe I can help the hungry, but not by starving myself!

Is there anything positive about the fog? Well, yes. Fog obscures distractions, if I can't see ahead or to the sides and I can't turn around, then maybe I need to look within again. And that's when the fog began to lift, with encouragement from my husband I am ready to let go of the security of work and grab hold of the opportunity to embrace a season to create.

Interestingly, I awoke one day last week and noticed that a fog had settled over the forest surrounding the lake house. Grabbing my camera I wondered what that might look like down at the water. I actually wept at the beauty of what I saw.  My timing was divinely orchestrated... it lasted only about 15 minutes before the sun began to break through and the fog began to dissipate. Take a look for yourself.

Approaching the lake

Cottage across the lake with the moon in the sky

Already the sun is breaking through

Is it time for you to chart a new course?  Is there a dream that you've been putting off because it seems too risky, too crazy, and too selfish? There's a line that I heard when I was a teenager and all these years later it guides me when the fog closes in...."I'd rather regret something I'd done, than something that I didn't do."

Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to visit My Turquoise Kettle Life.

May today be the day you choose to follow your heart,



  1. Bonjour Sandra,

    Vos photos du lac sont encore plus magnifiques que vous me les aviez décrites. Vous savez reconnaitre la beauté et, plus encore, vous prenez le temps de la fixer hors du temps. Vous n'êtes pas qu'une peintre qui prend des photos, vous êtes une photographe.

    Faites-nous une faveur, continuez...

  2. TM,
    Merci pour votre encouragement. Votre commentaire m'a vraiment toucher. En plus, merci pour les renseignements que vous m'avez donné la semaine passer, vous êtes très gentille.

